Friday 24th April, 2020 Tasks

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!

Here you have the tasks and the information students should know about the subject.

2º Bahillerato B

Students have been sent to their Google Classroom site the EBAU exams from June 2019 (options A and B). They have to do these exams and we will correct them in our video conference lessons on Wednesday 29th April and on Thursday 30th April. In addition, they have been also asked to log in as students in web as we will start working with this website too. Further information and the code for the class could be found in Google Classroom Task 11 EBAU EXAMS JUNE 2019. I will be available during the morning and part of the afternoon to answer any question students might have.



Today we have had a video conference lesson in which exercises from task 10 have been corrected and some doubts about the topic have been also solved. In addition, students have been also asked to log in as students in web as we will start working with this website too. Further information and the code for the class could be found in Google Classroom ‘Task 10: soluciones y información de clase’ . I will be available during the morning and part of the afternoon to answer any question students might have.


I hope everything is going well!! Have a nice weekend!!

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