Thursday 2nd April, 2020 Tasks

Good morning to every parent or student reading this entry!!

Here you have the Tasks for today.


2º Bachillerato B

Students are going to start working ‘relative clauses’. For this purpose, they will find in Google Classroom three different links explaining the issue in a funny way, as well as a worksheet with the whole explanation. For today students do not have to do any activity, they have to watch the videos and revise the explanation attached. Further explanations will be done after Easter break. As I have been doing, I will be available de whole morning and part of the afternoon to answer any question students might have.

Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:


3º ESO D

Students are going to start working ‘present and past simple passive’. For this purpose, they will find in Google Classroom two different links, one explaining the topic in Spanish and  another explaining the topic in English. In addition, they will also find a worksheet attached to the task in which they have a little explanation of the issue. For today students do not have to do any exercise, they just have to revise all the material that have been provided. Further explanations will be made after Easter break. I will be available during the students’ lesson time in case they have any question.

Here you have the links they need:

Link 1:
Link 2:


2º Formación Básica Peluquería y Estética y 2º Formación Básica Mantenimiento de Vehículos

For today students only have to finish some of the exercises in the worksheet they started working yesterday. That is, yesterday we started working Past simple, so students have to do exercises 5, 6 and 7 from the worksheet they received. I will be available during their lesson time in case they have any question.


1º Grado Superior Comercio Internacional

Today we are going to have a video conference at the time of our lesson, at 14.30. We are going to deal with some doubts students have about some of the exercises they have done, we will made some corrections and some explanations will be also given.


1º Grado Medio Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar

Today we are going to have a video conference at the time of our lesson, at 15.25. We are going to deal with some doubts students have about some of the exercises they have done, we will made some corrections and some explanations will be also given.

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